elevate: 1:1 private Online & In-person coaching

Are you not feeling yourself in your body? Or are you just feeling like there’s something more for you and you’re feeling guilty about wanting it?

The truth is that hormonal changes can span multiple decades - starting with peri menopause in your 30's and continuing through menopause in your 50's. Midlife is the perfect time to teach your children how to live a truly happy and fulfilled life. It is YOUR TIME to show them by example how to truly live. Menopause is an excellent time to Reimagine a deeper love and care for our children than ever before - one that frees our own children from the burden of an un-lived life. You’re willing to die for your kids…but are you willing to live for them?

If you’re done fighting your body, your cravings, and even your family…it's your time.

If you’re done fighting your body, your cravings, and even your family…it's your time.

uniquely designed using P.A.U.S.E. to help you

Private coaching provides a safe space to move at your own pace, get feedback on your unique body’s needs, explore what's been holding you back, learn sustainable habits and principles, and create a more joyfully successful life.

  • The self you love and enjoy being around that can also create great relationships at home and at work with out damaging mood swings.

  • Energy to actively participate in family activities, to care for your loved ones, and to go on outings, vacations, and try new hobbies without feeling exhausted or limited by your health.

  • No more worrying about becoming a burden or imposing on your loved ones. Whether with physical assistance, your responsibilities, or the burden of emotional fluctuations.

  • Create space to be happy throughout the holidays and celebrations without worrying about having to put more pressure and responsibilities on others.

  • Our children can either be our excuse to continue sacrificing our health and happiness, or they can become the very reason we do it! As mothers, we lead by our own example!

  • Whether it’s a pattern that happens over and over again in our own life, or whether it’s something that continues happening to all the women in the family, it’s time to end it.

ready to get started?

Sunrais Health 1:1 private coaching will help you identify where you are in your transitions and guide you.

Sunrais Health offers experiential learning, growth, and connection with insightful tools to shift your mindset and create more resilience. Our unique blend of high-energy live events, weekly videos, community conversations, and reflection tools in a highly effective framework and experiences will leave you feeling more peaceful, connected, optimistic, and inspired.

Women Meditating